Sunday, March 6, 2011

Restoril Overdose Lethal

The former forester's house Gerlas

are few references in the Franconian Forest, which landed in the expanded focus of the mineral-collector (and remain) are. As an example I would cite the mine mountain near Rucker Lichtenberg, known for their outstanding Malachite beyond the borders of north-eastern Bavaria. The large anatase crystals from Köditz at court today are in many collections. All in all, (did) not the area between Kronach, Hof and Bayreuth, the incentive such as the adjacent Fichtelgebirge or as the more distant Saxon. Vogtland and Erzgebirge.
However, the minerals do not hide from the Franconian Forest: Of the many old mine dumps and from a variety of quarries can also still hold a lot of good material with micro-minerals in first-class education. In this blog I will soon introduce an occasional series of some of these sites.

malachite on goethite / limonite. Lichtenberg, Franconian Forest, Bavaria. Image height: 3.2 mm

should guide your way once in the Franconian Forest, perhaps because you on the A9 in a traffic jam on the A70 would like to Schweinfurt and forced to torture themselves on the B173 through the Nature Park have, or because you have inspired my references of reports, then it is a short trip in the near Bad Steben, take on former forest house Gerlas. This is also funded by the "Nature Park Franconia Forest furnished, small

Information Center" Geology and Mining of the Franconian Forest "

In some display cases a modest but remarkable mineralogical and geological-paleontological collection built up. Typical minerals, rocks and fossils from the Franconian forest can be considered. Mining Stock of Home, the then Flussspatbergbau, the marble quarry Horwagen (one lying near Geotop, known by the colorful Stone places "German Red" ) and the roof will be slate quarrying Lothar Alternative presented. Old mine plans and maps to complete the collection.

The former forester's house in Gerlas by the Frankenwald eV at a youth hostel with accommodation for 40 people and catering and expanded. The care is provided today by the local chapter Bobengrün. The building is like separating the information center. Do not expect a "glittering show in a museum setting!

It is recommended that prior to arrival to ask whether the information center is open. Have fun.

Forsthaus Gerlas, Lower Gerlas 5, 95 138 Bobengrün
opening times
Clock Tuesday 9-11, Sunday 17-21 (possibly via the restaurant)
Restricted opening times from 12/01 to 03/31!
more information
Frankenwald eV, Mr Achim Engelhardt, Bobengrün 95 138, Tel: 09288/6584,
or office parks Franconian Forest, Tel: 09261/678 -242

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sample /request To Discnnect A Service?

Giovanni Bonalumi: The hostages

in 2010 was the first time a work of prose in the Ticino-born author Giovanni Bonalumi translated into German: "The Hostages" , his first novel, published in 1954, is considered his best work. The other work is so far the German speaking area remained closed. "The hostages are the hostages of God in a seminary. The fact that this novel is autobiographical stained, we found in the extensive afterword by Danielle Benzonelli, this is what we we get a glimpse into the life of the author, with numerous black and white photographs. An editorially very successful literary treasures of the publisher Huber, who are "remarkable literary texts from the multilingual Switzerland "(the publisher) is trying.

tells the story of boys, which occurs after the death of his father, with eleven years in a seminary, his mother, so self-serving links, she can later move into the house of a priest, when Emilio became pastor, so that their future is secure. The threads are woven in such a way that Emilio has a meeting with his pastor of the village that lay in his ear, seek God

Posted by Bonalumi

... from time to time among his followers from a soul and elevates them above all others.

It is suggested to him to enter the seminary, of course, he still had to talk to his mother, he also was visiting the seminary a high school football games in their free time could he. Here you can see it already, the boy is surprised more or less, Emilio has no idea what awaits him at the seminary, he finally says yes and amen, although his thoughts are elsewhere. A fun healthy boy is forced into his cassock and handed over to the seminary. Emilio gegenwärtigt repeatedly asked why he chose this path.

Posted by Bonalumi

A Prefect pestering voice in the shadows of our eardrums ...

Posted by Bonalumi
The prefect went in between from his podium, went between the banks up and down. And then it rained slaps. Why no one knew.

Emilio gets to feel the dictatorship in the seminary, experienced humiliation, isolation and loneliness. Education is frighteningly hostile body, the sexual repression machinery is running, and you wonder again why people have to do something (or willing?).

Posted by Bonalumi

Why should I replace it, must think of.

A novel is usually read only by his prose. Bonalumi writes in short sentences, but he suggests several incidents only. Let me give you two examples: The boy is said immediately, his father had died. The reader senses the only, and the author makes an uncertainty and gloom over Emilio smolder, which is transmitted to the reader. Bonulimo can live in the same deft way to suggest a homoerotic relationship between seminarians. This voltage is generated to avoid platitudes and Bonalumi's first novel is considered a good reading recommendation At its settings.