Monday, January 31, 2011
Can You Wear Ugg Moccasins With Shorts In Summer

Medical Journal
See also the article on the management of healthcare costs on
TIME Online
(and the comments)
Broken Capalarries Baby

The Windows 7 Blog has synchronization software SimpleSYN presented and giving away three additional business licenses, each worth € 49.00 (including 19% tax)
For more information: http
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Roller Blades Feet Pain
The circumstances were quite contrary. The appointed grand piano was not there. The 29 year old American had slept badly the night before, just hurriedly eaten and had to play on a mediocre replacement wings. Only at the express request of the organizer, he agreed, but to play. The engineer agreed to to dump the sold out concert at the Cologne Opera Hall for internal purposes yet. The American pianist adapted itself to the qualities of the available wing and was limited to middle and low notes. The first part begins with the melody of the Cologne Opera Gongs break - in the audience laugh is heard.
Time Magazine as one of the "Records of the Year". The sales figures are about 3 1 / 2 million sold CDs and records.
Names Of The Parts Inside Of A Car
At the end of the world, to Siberia, where it is full of shamans and Buddhists, there in the corner of the otherwise pagan Russian Orthodox, the Christian must be executed light wear. Dark souls must be evident. Proselytizing, cost what it may, finally, that all Weden souls saved. Just recently, on 25 11 meldetet the international Catholic Preseagentur: 'mission remains the central task of the Church " (Benedict XVI) and then to point out there would still peoples who had not yet received the Christian message (cf. here ). Since the cath. Church to the mission of the Bible follows - "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned". (Mark 16,15.16) - the church be satisfied until she has brought all the souls from damnation Nikolai Leskov, the his position in the Ministry of Culture because of criticism of Church and State got criticized in his story "At World's End" the indomitable missionary zeal of the Orthodox Church.
A young clergyman, who was appointed bishop of a remote Siberian diocese, complains is about the plight of the missionary work. Much of the conversions only on paper. Many of the baptized, who belonged to the Tibetan Buddhism and shamanism; went back to their religion. It developed a "grotesque mishmash"
Posted by Leskov
They prayed to Christ and the Apostles, the Buddha and his bodhisattvas, and demons, and the shaman Filzbeuteln fetishes with.
It is a way that Buddhists do not pray (but meditate), but in the history of religion mixing religion are well known. In late antiquity, many devout Christians mistook her Christ with the Roman sun god Jupiter. The newly appointed bishop
in our story continues in a convent school for Foreign-based ethnic and meets at the Father Kiriak that dominates as a single monk there, the Yakut language, one of the north-eastern (Siberian) Turkic languages, spoken in the village. This monk refuses to misionieren the non-Russians.
Posted by Leskov
One day he has had any experience, so he has returned from the wilderness, brought Myrrenbehälter and ciborium to the altar and said: "I off point and take them not again until the hour has come.
No one knew what prompted him to do, no one knew what time he meant.
is remarkable, His Eminence the Bishop is, in this narrative, one who has to learn, or say otherwise, is not fog of wisdom. Father Kiriak tried to make clear to the bishop, the baptism would not improve if the baptized are not filled with the Spirit of Christ. Based on a saint's legend, he teaches that missionary zeal can bring strife, the language of the Yakut is not capable of expressing complicated theological matters, the juxtaposition of believers and unbelievers sickly anyway, because God, Kiriak, all have created. It's amazing how the bishop becomes an adept, of course, His Eminence stands for the whole Church. Picking all unbelievers from the outset doomed to failure. It must then eventually even recognized by the bishop, who is rescued from a pagan savages from a snow storm and experiences an inner transformation.
basis of the bishop of the Orthodox Church in Russia is presented fairly weak, so, quite helpless and lost. The most beautiful figure of the story remains my Father as Kiriak, who, as the embodiment of wisdom charisma of a saint. Perhaps a vapor of my imagination or it is true that this Father was a myth Leskov, as he the representatives of the Orthodox Church dreamed. How amazing it is the difference between acting from the heart Kiriak and torn by theological dogmas bishop. The message of Leskov's story is unique. The non-Russians, the so-called "savages," have a great culture, there cleric with the heart ("Love your neighbor as yourself") look like. With respect.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Best Makers Mark Whisky
On 24 January 1986 presented the first Apple Macintosh
, the Macintosh 128, the public.
is Like the previous Lisa
Here the now legendary spot from Apple: in Forrest Gump:
Monday, January 24, 2011
Where To Buy Itcg Maplestory
is on reports of the Arab news channel Al Jazeera
Putting A Floor Into An Aluminum Boat
Robert Fripp did in 1967, after the League of Gentlemen and the Majestic Dance Orchestra played with brothers Michael and Peter Giles of Trendsetters Ltd.. together. The trio took in 1968 on the single One in a Million, and the LP The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles and Fripp. That same year, met the poet Peter Sinfield
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Do Women Love Men In Kilts
In a village in Ireland is Felicia's pregnant in her first night of love, the man, Johnny Lysaght, but disappears in England. He is said to work in a lawn mower factory. The pregnant Felicia travels to England to Johnny track down, but this trip does not lead to objective, a journey through the bars and homeless milieu is from industrial plants and also a sacred mission sect touched by Felicia 'journey. Rather than take on Johnny, Felicia makes the acquaintance of the canteen owner Mr. Hilditch, who is gaining more influence on Felicia's' finding, it is possible tie to deeper ties with Felicia. With Mr. Hilditch enters the evil of the novel, first on light feet barely perceptible, and then, this is the sophistication of the novel, it is becoming increasingly perilous for Felicia, although the reader still does not know what intends these mid-forties with a young woman . He sneaks into her life , and the reader wonders at some point, hopefully nothing bad happened Felicia. Trevor succeeds in an outstanding manner to leave the reader guessing. It made allusions, the reader is lured on false trails. You fear to the end, after all, Mr. Hilditch has been with several women a bad game driven.
This type of the uncanny in literature is a bit like some novels by Amélie Nothomb ("Beauty of evil," "The Professor"), and I favor, but more for Trevor's novel. Amélie Nothomb has good, even exciting, but I have a feeling, a unique reading ranges. In William Trevor's different. Here is one that works really well crafted. Felicia's journey from when he says he throws a flashback and we learn of her history from her father, who is complaining about Johnny Lysaght, because of this, he believes he knows, secretly went to the British army, etc. It is typical Trevor, that he deals with the novels in the military conflict between Ireland and the British. Which Irish father would have been as a British soldier to son. I like good background descriptions. In this book, my descriptions of the world's homeless have very much.
Posted by William Trevor
decline in their hiding people from the street into a sleep that is induced by alcohol and are startled by despair, into dreams that bring back the life that was once theirs. The signs still begging beside him and the cigarette butts from the sidewalk at hand are they there enough in the bottle in order to facilitate the moment of awakening. is hungry and homeless their appeal on a piece of cardboard scrawled carelessly, one has copied from the other: only the money counts.
One may think of Elke Heidenreich's former TV show "Get", what you like, but it was William Trevor's short stories "Death of the professor" were discussed. So I came across this author and do not regret it.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Recuring Deposit Calculator
The British prog-rock band
come again to Germany. are here with the original members Steve Howe (guitar), Chris Squire (bass) and Alan White (drums). They are accompanied by Oliver Wakeman (son of Rick Wakeman) on keyboards and vocalist Benoit David, a perfect replacement for Jon Anderson, who has to pause for health reasons.
more at
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Monica Roccaforte 2010 Movies
43 years ago today, the apartment was occupied by the writer Uwe Johnson
in the Berlin district of 14 in Niedstraße Friedenau. Johnson stayed for a year in New York. The beginning of the year based
Dieter Kunzelmann , Detlef Michel (until 25 March 1967), Dorothea Ridder ("the iron Dorothy"), Dagmar Seehafer and Fritz Teufel . Rainer Langhans (which we will soon see in the RTL jungle camp) came only in March 1967 to do so.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
How To Wear Belted Plaid
The term "Black Peter", which is often used when it comes to blaming someone to blame for a mistake, reminiscent of the robber Peter Petri, the 18th and 19 Century Hunsrück and Odenwald mischief. This little known fact of science author Ernst Probst from Mainz-Wiesbaden district food home, in his pocketbook "Black Peter" (3-936326-39-8) out. The 1752 in castles in the Moselle area Veldenz born, black-haired loggers, charcoal burners and robbers was a teacher and accomplice of the 25 years his junior Schinderhannes (1777-1803), considered Germany's most famous robbers. Peter Petri came off the rails after French soldiers had set fire to his hut in 1792 the colony Hüttgeswasen lumberjack at Allen in the Hunsrück. Peter Petri in 1812 was sentenced then to France belonging to Mainz for his crimes to life imprisonment, which he should settle in Bicetre near Paris. The journalist and science author Ernst Probst has created in 2001 the publishing house Ernst Probst, who has specialized in books on biographies, history, nature, science and aphorisms. And John R. Probst are the books "Schinderhannes Chronicle" and "Schinderhannes gazetteer" the Mainz historian Dr. Peter Bayerlein appeared.
see also "The Mosel gang" at
Naves Historia
Helicobactor Pylori Shortness
1 The French period
After the cannonade of Valmy penetrated yet in 1792 troops of the French revolutionary army into the Rhineland in Custine one. The Middle room, Glantal and Mr. Steiner were Kriegsschauplätze space. occupied in the autumn of 1794 the French revolutionary troops be final, the left bank of the Reich and expelled the former rulers. For the supply of French soldiers have been recovered intolerable contributions. In this time of aufgelös-th order on top of that exaggerated Räuberbanden (Schinderhannes) making trouble. From 1797 featured the French authorities slowly restored order and gave the land that belonged to France now, a new administration. Even the Peace of Campo Formio of 17/10/1797 of Austria had agreed to France's claim on the left bank of the Rhine to Support. In the Peace of Luneville of 09/02/1801 was the völkerrechtlich mandatory assignment of all the country through the left bank of the kingdom of France. By a law of 3/9/1801 these areas have been declared to be an integral part of the French Republic. On 09/23/1802 The French constitution came into force. The division of the territory was in
Mairie . The local area came to the "Department de la Sarre" with the main town of Trier. This Department was divided into 4 arrondissements:
Trier Prum Saarbrücken
Birkenfeld. The district comprises 9 Birkenfeld Cantone: Meisenheim, Grumbach, Kusel, Baumholder, Birkenfeld, Wadern, Hermeskeil Rhaunen, and Mr. Stein. When the Prussian Field Marshal Blucher and his army of about Kaub Kreuznach glanaufwärts vorrückend, 7 January 1814 St. Wendel was reached, too, for the Birkenfeld country, "French period" is over.
was immediately set up a General Middle Rhine. But in the summer of 1814, the area was south of the Moselle zurückeroberte temporarily a "Bavarian-Austrian Land Administration Commission in Kreuznach, later in Worms, assumed. A year later came the part of the "Departement de la Sarre" north of a line Medard / Hermeskeil Oberstein district of Prussia, which received the largest part of the Rhineland. In 1816 he and the southern part of the department has been (to the border of the Bavarian Palatinate) awarded.
2 Vienna Convention
But Prussia had - according to Article 49 of the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna 09.06.1815 - Five German princes, together with areas of 69 000 "souls" resign. A distribution of an underdeveloped region in economic power between Hunsruck and the Palatinate should be made. The distribution related to the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, of Oldenburg, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg and the Count of Pappenheim. Mecklenburg and Pappenheim could be of Prussia to terms with money and domains. The other three were on their claim. Of the 69 000 25 000 should the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, 20 000 the Grand Duke of Oldenburg and 9000 the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg be awarded.

4 Development of the Principality of Birkenfeld
The Principality was composed of areas which before the French occupation of margraviate Baden (Rear county Sponheim), the wild and Rhine County, the Duchy of Pfalz-Zweibrücken, domination Oberstein Others had heard. It included 503 km 2
with 25 080 inhabitants in 1832. For the management it was in three lonely (Nohfelden, Birkenfeld, Oberstein) divided by total of 9 Bürgermeistereien. Most people lived on agriculture. But there was adventure in the Stumm'sche Eisenhütte (to 1875) and in the Idar Oberstein, and the agate industry. This came Based on the sheep farming and the cultivation of flax, wool and linen weavers. The main export items were livestock, wood and agate products. The economic situation of the population until well into the second half of the 19th Century printed right. Not even the Customs Treaty with Prussia (1830), others not much. The Duke ruled his country, nor on the principle of absolutism stowed: "All for the people, not by the people."

Furst, Paul Friedrich August (1829 - 1853) called himself Grand Duke Sponheim and took the sign (red-silver geschacht) into his arms and emphasized by the unity of his three-divided country (Oldenburg, Eutin, Birkenfeld) and outside. The Furst ruled without a constitution as his father and sent Hannibal to Birkenfeld L. Fischer (1831 - 1848) as Regierungspräsident, who took the same position as his autocratic master. With the drafting of some anti-liberal writings (of the German people need and application; The Patrimonialstaat) he caused at the democratically minded people of his time violent offense. In Birkenfeld he went through his high-handed, harsh nature of all residents in ove unpopular. He contributed in those Notjahren the Menschenmögliche. A register was set up the basis for a more equitable distribution of property tax. Poorly-used communal land (common land) went over into the possession of the farmers who cultivated thoroughly. The Wiesenbau (loading and dehydration) was his hobby. He Kummert also to the improvement of livestock breeds. In 1833, he put on at his own expense the "Fisherman" at Niederbrombach to test improved methods of agriculture. He called for the planting of conifers. He pushed for the road, he built many Schulhäuser and gründete Ersparungskasse 1842, the current District Savings Bank.
Regierungspräsident Fischer had in the Revolution of 1848 Märzunruhen Birkenfeld flee. This year it was storm in cat music, and popular assemblies Bürgerwehren very excited. A large part of the castle, hauptsächlich Obersteiner demanded connection to Prussia, in spite of its higher taxes and more stringent his regiment. Another part of the population, mostly Birkenfelder wanted to stay in Oldenburg, but stressed that it was really only a personal union with the "mother country" connected. Also can the parliament that was elected in 1848 throughout the Grand Duchy to determine because of the Überzahl of members from the other two parts of the country not about Birkenfelder special interests. Four provincial assemblies in Oldenburg for their stance for the large German question aufgelöst by the government. In the reactionary parliament of 1852 was then no longer spoken by the Loslösung or special position Birkenfeld. The contribution of the Principality of Birkenfeld was charged to the common fixed at 7%. In the remaining cash separation was decided, which meant for the poorest of the three Birkenfeld as parts of the country a drückende load. The dream of the Selbstständigkeit Birkenfeld Oldenburg within the State Association was ausgeträumt. died in 1853 Grand Duke Paul Friedrich August. He was succeeded by his son, Nikolaus Friedrich Peter (1853-1900). Acceptance shall the same time by Councilor Finch (1853-1881) for the vacant post of Regierungspräsidenten since 1848. The issue of joining the Kingdom of Prussia, which the Birkenfeld Ländchen around since 1866 has been enclosed, from different starting rolled over again, eg 1866, 1917 and 1918, but the Beharrungsvermögen was strong. 1881 President of the Finch by Regierungspräsidenten Barnstedt abgelöst (1881-1901), who sharply attacked by the administration. After the accession of Grand Duke Friedrich August (1900-1918) was again a change in the presidency. Ahlhorn President (1901-1909) developed several bills that were used for obtaining of a larger Selbstständigkeit of the Principality and the Oldenburg Parliament adopted. His successor, Minister of State for excellence D. Willich (1909-1917) also entered for an extension of self-government. A year before the collapse of the German Empire died president Willich. Senior Government Pralle (1917-1919) followed him as a government board. Beginning of 1918 proposed the removal of the Grand Duke of the Principality of Prussia in exchange of territory. Before the negotiations ended consider writing, broke out the November revolution in Germany.
Grand Duke Friedrich August abandoned on 10 November 1918 the throne, the Principality of Birkenfeld was left as the province of a country part of the Free State of Oldenburg. came in August 1919 to a revolution, Birkenfeld tables Country 'and to form the Republic of Birkenfeld. This was eliminated by the result of an election by itself grouted "Birkenfeld Parliament after two months. In November 1919 the Parliament neugewählte übertrug later performed with the approval of the "International High Commission," the lawyer Walter Doerr Idar from the presidency of the province (1919-1937). 5 Rückkehr
to Prussia by the "Greater Hamburg Law" went from 01.26.1937 with effect from 1 April 1937 the "State of Birkenfeld" after 120 years of affiliation to the remote Oldenburg to the State of Prussia about enclosing it completely. He was awarded the "radical circle St. Wendel-Baumholder "to the new Prussian district of Birkenfeld in the administrative district of Koblenz joined the Rhine Province. The district administration office was Birkenfeld.
excerpt from the revised version of the presentation by Juergen Schmidt on the day of the open door on 06.10.2001 at surveying and land registry Birkenfeld
more at Wapedia
Get Well Message To Husband
ago today, 226 years Jacob Grimm
about my dismissal
. 1838
In the Frankfurt National Assembly1848 Jacob Grimm holds a place of honor, Albrecht, Dahlmann and Gervinus were co-authors of legislative initiatives. The monument near the state parliament in Hanover
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Victoria Secret Models With Small Boobs

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Air Force Retirement Ceremony What To Wear
A Berlin lawyer writes mystery stories. Now he writes about his own case? He must not, because a lawyer is bound to the paragraph of secrecy. Similarly, when psychologists write about their clients, people need to alienate others in order not to be convicted. Moreover, it is about stories. A one to one transfer of the real to the literature does not exist. The stories like based on real cases, enough room for fiction remains. That fiction is at work, you can see from the fact that some stories take place after the same pattern: The crime, as it happened, the judiciary, often a surprising end, an amazing plot.
The reader is confronted with incredibly brutal murders, which could easily have come from a cheap horror movie, but also preserved here von Schirach its strict laconic narrative that leaves me speechless. Perhaps perversely expressed, but as a brilliant piece of brutality in the literature is the scene on the subway station in the history of "self defense". This story is very interesting anyway, because nothing runs out in Schedule F. We remember a news story about two metro-bats, which have beaten an old man hospitalized. Schirach's story is completely different from, in the end I have a suspicion Schirach might have mixed two cases to a story. How different is the story of the Ethiopian who robs a bank, a bank employee with the robber compassion.
From the form of a story Schirach falls out completely, however, if he even appears in his stories as a professional legal adviser, either as a Co-insurers or as a bearer of legal expertise to the reader. This fact diminishes. The book is a Page Turner. The stories are current on entertainment value established. To remind me of some stories that I had after reading page back again.