Thursday, February 24, 2011

Piercing A Rook With A Bar

Today, 108 years ago: Cuba, the Guantanamo Bay

Controversial U.S. stronghold on Cuba

Guantánamo is a small Cuban town on the southern coast of the island, and the Bay, which is the Caribbean Sea on the coast, called that. world that the name on everyone's lips is, is located on the small area, which has leased the U.S. military . Since there are terror suspected Islamists detained in inhumane conditions, the name appears again and again in the headlines. How did it happen that the U.S. is currently in the island of the old political enemy, Fidel Castro, a naval base have?

landing of U.S. troops at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba (Illustration, 1898; Source: Brockhaus calendar - adventure story )

tried until 1897 United States of the former colonial power Spain to buy the entire island of Cuba. In 1898, during the English-American War, occupied the U.S. Guantanamo Bay, because there was a major port facility. By the Treaty of Paris of 10 Cuba gained its independence in December 1898, ran into political and economic dependence of the United States. This exercise control and domination of Cuba by setting up pro-American presidents and dictators and military assistance from several (including 1899-1903). From January 1899 to May 1902 the island was under American military administration. In 1901, the so-called Platt Amendment to the Constitution of Cuba has been included. This limited the sovereignty of the country considerably. He granted the U.S. the right to intervene in the event of civil unrest and called for the assignment Cuban territory as a naval base. ( Source: Wikipedia )

On 23 February 1903 was signed between the U.S. and Cuba agreement, the winning bids for the U.S. the right on a 117 sq km large, rented Region »coal loading and naval facilities to create." Under the contract, the clauses are in effect until both parties intend to repeal it. Cuba did not have much choice at the time, it had to sign this treaty because it was occupied by the U.S. army, had intervened in the Cuban war of independence against the English colonizers. Today sees Cuba to the United States as illegal Militärenklave the occupied territory and has long called for the return. The U.S. is doing but so far no effort to pressure Cuba to yield. (Source: Brockhaus calendar - adventure story)

In 1934, the Cuban President Ramón Grau San Martín, deposed, the contract was canceled. For a renewal of the contract in the same year was only Section 7 on the right to use the bay received as a naval base. Further, the lease was subsequently extended indefinitely. From the year 1938, the lease fee to 4085 U.S. dollars was raised.
accepted since the 1959 revolution and the seizure of power by Fidel Castro's Cuba, the American presence on Cuban soil no more, demanding the return of the bay. The lease payments by the United States each year in the form of a check in July delivered. In 1959 this was once kept. Cuba has since denied the validity of the revised Contract, since he had come through military duress, while the U.S. view the unique check cashing as a confirmation of the continuation of the lease. (Source: Wikipedia)


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