blows In this story an interpersonal coldness in the bones. After five years, a mother sees her son the first time. "He looked aside to meet their not sunken, had become clear view." This is the first sentence of the story that introduces the story of an estrangement between a mother and her son. The son of gigs around through life and has a job that has no special designation. As a boy he lived on "whole days in the trees" , "as there was nothing in the world than this, than the birds ... " A whore is living with him in his apartment, he does not love, but works with her in an establishment. Then appears the mother, who is only rich getting late, a lot of precious metal flashing on her arms, but she stands before the ruins of their lives. Your children can do without her mother, who appears to her own wealth as a misfortune, to which it is not used to. Your son is like on broken glass just before falling over. Two hours of waiting at dawn on the first underground railway, which it is to drive home "completely blank" , says "then you sometimes, that can not go on forever. " The mother wants to interfere in her son's life is coming, but not so far. Basically a pretty frosty history, and the son would be happy if he by that old woman finally loskäme.
Should I find so beautiful a story?. Marguerite Duras blows cold in my bones. Linguistically, thin-skinned as you would expect from her. There is a unity between the content and the feelings that I have been transferred as a reader. So good. Your Grace, but my love remains
"The Lover" .
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