Sunday, March 6, 2011

Restoril Overdose Lethal

The former forester's house Gerlas

are few references in the Franconian Forest, which landed in the expanded focus of the mineral-collector (and remain) are. As an example I would cite the mine mountain near Rucker Lichtenberg, known for their outstanding Malachite beyond the borders of north-eastern Bavaria. The large anatase crystals from Köditz at court today are in many collections. All in all, (did) not the area between Kronach, Hof and Bayreuth, the incentive such as the adjacent Fichtelgebirge or as the more distant Saxon. Vogtland and Erzgebirge.
However, the minerals do not hide from the Franconian Forest: Of the many old mine dumps and from a variety of quarries can also still hold a lot of good material with micro-minerals in first-class education. In this blog I will soon introduce an occasional series of some of these sites.

malachite on goethite / limonite. Lichtenberg, Franconian Forest, Bavaria. Image height: 3.2 mm

should guide your way once in the Franconian Forest, perhaps because you on the A9 in a traffic jam on the A70 would like to Schweinfurt and forced to torture themselves on the B173 through the Nature Park have, or because you have inspired my references of reports, then it is a short trip in the near Bad Steben, take on former forest house Gerlas. This is also funded by the "Nature Park Franconia Forest furnished, small

Information Center" Geology and Mining of the Franconian Forest "

In some display cases a modest but remarkable mineralogical and geological-paleontological collection built up. Typical minerals, rocks and fossils from the Franconian forest can be considered. Mining Stock of Home, the then Flussspatbergbau, the marble quarry Horwagen (one lying near Geotop, known by the colorful Stone places "German Red" ) and the roof will be slate quarrying Lothar Alternative presented. Old mine plans and maps to complete the collection.

The former forester's house in Gerlas by the Frankenwald eV at a youth hostel with accommodation for 40 people and catering and expanded. The care is provided today by the local chapter Bobengrün. The building is like separating the information center. Do not expect a "glittering show in a museum setting!

It is recommended that prior to arrival to ask whether the information center is open. Have fun.

Forsthaus Gerlas, Lower Gerlas 5, 95 138 Bobengrün
opening times
Clock Tuesday 9-11, Sunday 17-21 (possibly via the restaurant)
Restricted opening times from 12/01 to 03/31!
more information
Frankenwald eV, Mr Achim Engelhardt, Bobengrün 95 138, Tel: 09288/6584,
or office parks Franconian Forest, Tel: 09261/678 -242

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sample /request To Discnnect A Service?

Giovanni Bonalumi: The hostages

in 2010 was the first time a work of prose in the Ticino-born author Giovanni Bonalumi translated into German: "The Hostages" , his first novel, published in 1954, is considered his best work. The other work is so far the German speaking area remained closed. "The hostages are the hostages of God in a seminary. The fact that this novel is autobiographical stained, we found in the extensive afterword by Danielle Benzonelli, this is what we we get a glimpse into the life of the author, with numerous black and white photographs. An editorially very successful literary treasures of the publisher Huber, who are "remarkable literary texts from the multilingual Switzerland "(the publisher) is trying.

tells the story of boys, which occurs after the death of his father, with eleven years in a seminary, his mother, so self-serving links, she can later move into the house of a priest, when Emilio became pastor, so that their future is secure. The threads are woven in such a way that Emilio has a meeting with his pastor of the village that lay in his ear, seek God

Posted by Bonalumi

... from time to time among his followers from a soul and elevates them above all others.

It is suggested to him to enter the seminary, of course, he still had to talk to his mother, he also was visiting the seminary a high school football games in their free time could he. Here you can see it already, the boy is surprised more or less, Emilio has no idea what awaits him at the seminary, he finally says yes and amen, although his thoughts are elsewhere. A fun healthy boy is forced into his cassock and handed over to the seminary. Emilio gegenwärtigt repeatedly asked why he chose this path.

Posted by Bonalumi

A Prefect pestering voice in the shadows of our eardrums ...

Posted by Bonalumi
The prefect went in between from his podium, went between the banks up and down. And then it rained slaps. Why no one knew.

Emilio gets to feel the dictatorship in the seminary, experienced humiliation, isolation and loneliness. Education is frighteningly hostile body, the sexual repression machinery is running, and you wonder again why people have to do something (or willing?).

Posted by Bonalumi

Why should I replace it, must think of.

A novel is usually read only by his prose. Bonalumi writes in short sentences, but he suggests several incidents only. Let me give you two examples: The boy is said immediately, his father had died. The reader senses the only, and the author makes an uncertainty and gloom over Emilio smolder, which is transmitted to the reader. Bonulimo can live in the same deft way to suggest a homoerotic relationship between seminarians. This voltage is generated to avoid platitudes and Bonalumi's first novel is considered a good reading recommendation At its settings.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Piercing A Rook With A Bar

Today, 108 years ago: Cuba, the Guantanamo Bay

Controversial U.S. stronghold on Cuba

Guantánamo is a small Cuban town on the southern coast of the island, and the Bay, which is the Caribbean Sea on the coast, called that. world that the name on everyone's lips is, is located on the small area, which has leased the U.S. military . Since there are terror suspected Islamists detained in inhumane conditions, the name appears again and again in the headlines. How did it happen that the U.S. is currently in the island of the old political enemy, Fidel Castro, a naval base have?

landing of U.S. troops at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba (Illustration, 1898; Source: Brockhaus calendar - adventure story )

tried until 1897 United States of the former colonial power Spain to buy the entire island of Cuba. In 1898, during the English-American War, occupied the U.S. Guantanamo Bay, because there was a major port facility. By the Treaty of Paris of 10 Cuba gained its independence in December 1898, ran into political and economic dependence of the United States. This exercise control and domination of Cuba by setting up pro-American presidents and dictators and military assistance from several (including 1899-1903). From January 1899 to May 1902 the island was under American military administration. In 1901, the so-called Platt Amendment to the Constitution of Cuba has been included. This limited the sovereignty of the country considerably. He granted the U.S. the right to intervene in the event of civil unrest and called for the assignment Cuban territory as a naval base. ( Source: Wikipedia )

On 23 February 1903 was signed between the U.S. and Cuba agreement, the winning bids for the U.S. the right on a 117 sq km large, rented Region »coal loading and naval facilities to create." Under the contract, the clauses are in effect until both parties intend to repeal it. Cuba did not have much choice at the time, it had to sign this treaty because it was occupied by the U.S. army, had intervened in the Cuban war of independence against the English colonizers. Today sees Cuba to the United States as illegal Militärenklave the occupied territory and has long called for the return. The U.S. is doing but so far no effort to pressure Cuba to yield. (Source: Brockhaus calendar - adventure story)

In 1934, the Cuban President Ramón Grau San Martín, deposed, the contract was canceled. For a renewal of the contract in the same year was only Section 7 on the right to use the bay received as a naval base. Further, the lease was subsequently extended indefinitely. From the year 1938, the lease fee to 4085 U.S. dollars was raised.
accepted since the 1959 revolution and the seizure of power by Fidel Castro's Cuba, the American presence on Cuban soil no more, demanding the return of the bay. The lease payments by the United States each year in the form of a check in July delivered. In 1959 this was once kept. Cuba has since denied the validity of the revised Contract, since he had come through military duress, while the U.S. view the unique check cashing as a confirmation of the continuation of the lease. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Fritz Zorn: Mars

Fritz Zorn is the pseudonym of a Zurich-millionaire son and high school teacher, who grew up in a conservative dominated middle-class family, suffering from depression and the age of 32 dies of cancer. Zorn told from different perspectives of the artificial harmony in his childhood. Avoid Streitgeprächen, the family is always in agreement, that it is followed without exception, the opinion of the father. From a school friend anger is asked if he likes cars. Zorn thinks he likes cars and say "Yes". It turns out, however, the guy does not like cars. Anger either, but he had lied. Thus, the artificial Harmony of unity in a practical way out into the absurd, but does not come out more Fritz Zorn from the corset of upper-class rigidity. The themes of religion and sexuality were taboo. The mentality of parents' anger can only be hypocritical and dishonest contract, they lie to you but even if the church for respectable hold, want to know about God but nothing. Probably underlies the company a penalty. Others go to church, so we even.

"My misery is the fact that I not be what I want,"
says Zorn.

Zorn knows the importance of love and sexuality is and realizes that this is his biggest deficit. His neurosis as depression, and as he says, as "emotional idiocy" breaks out, manifests itself later in the cancer. My nerves but this pseudo-medical Esoterikkram anger at the mental physical cancer, therefore you get cancer if you are suffering to himself and eat, because the soul is so very sick, they can no longer resist the cancer to help. These deserts are then pointed to that his parents are to blame for the dilemma of his life. His youth in the bucket, because he never had a girlfriend, his adult sex dry well. Unable to interpersonal Relationships, depression and cancer. The guilty are the parents

Quote of anger
any new tumor, the show itself to be a concentrated bulge out of my smooth body, seems to me from the depths of his psychosomatic origin out to the devilish distorted caricature of my demonic "parents" illustrate ...

course I know he is looking for guidance and meaning in all his suffering, however, this abstruse and over again to get chewed is stressful. Fantasies of a terminally ill, desperately looking for a break.

screwed up is his discourse on love, Sex and Freud as Einheitsmixtur and also finds a connection to Christianity, but do not mean sex, but agape, is also in Freud's later writings a much enhanced view of Eros represented as sex, anger did not know this, but instead he continued to be permanent inferiority complains that results from his sexless.

The book is not uplifting. This is sharply critical of his parents, on the one hand saying that his smoldering plains in muted emotions finally break now, but in the end but an immature processing of his hatred, all in his ill cancer belong to parents. However, anger has been denied by his early death, the chance to process his fate makes sense to. As he and his hatred not of course continue to come, he turns around in circles, muddles around in his problems, finds no outlet in the gewurstele more. Even though I've read twenty pages, I can recommend this book anyone now, because at least I can gain any sense of it, well read to a person who constantly dwells only in his hatred Irrgang. Of course, flashes compassion, after all, you would so help a man, but he drives through his Imkreisedreherei me as a reader only in depths of helplessness with the knowledge the suffering was at some point but stop by. On 2 November 1976. †

Heather Brooke New Clips

lease ago today, 218 years ago: The first democratic elections on German soil

In cannonade of Valmy brought the French Revolutionary Army in 1792 first coalition war attempt Prussian and Austrian troops crush Revolution in France to a halt. In their counterattack, the French invaded in September, in the Palatinate and occupied on 21 October 1792 Mainz.

Already on the day after Cast set up a 20 Mainz Jacobin Club , the other in Speyer and Worms followed. In the spirit of the Enlightenment, the German Jacobins promoted the ideals of the French Revolution: freedom, equality, fraternity and the establishment of a German Republic. Mid-December 1792, a survey in 40 communities that about three quarters of the voting population (men over 21) advocated a reorganization of the state order on the French model.

Elections to Rhenish-German National Convention on 24 February 1793, were also measured by the standards of the time, reasonably democratic. 130 towns and villages in the areas of the left Rhine and south of the Nahe sent their representatives to Mainz .

any similarities with texts from Wikipedia is entirely coincidental!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Super Hero Squad Toys Mississauga

The difference between Thomas Middelhoff and a three-year-old child

have a half years ago I wrote a post: sharks at the poker table . Among other things, I mentioned the ex-Bertelsmann and ex-Arcandor CEO Thomas Middelhoff. The fact has sued the Arcandor insolvency in June 2010 to 175 million euros in damages. Now he's suing him again to compensation ("administrator wants millions of Middleton 'at Spiegel Online )
to claim 1 is" Essentially, in the lament for the sale of five warehouse properties in the Oppenheim-Esch Fund (Troisdorf) and their Zurückmietung. "The administrator Klaus Hubert Görg cite information to the Neue Ruhr / Neue Rhein-Zeitung," that leases had been completed, although all parties were aware that Nachteilhaftigkeit, the newspaper said. The Board at Middleton and members of the supervisory board would have failed also to take responsibility for the original contracts in institutions of recourse - although been known is that such claims had passed. "(Source: Spiegel Online , see also" crash of a manager-stars' at SPIEGEL Online , item: Chronicle of a crisis)
details found at Wikipedia .
since June 2010 are now investigating the state attorney Middelhoff reason. Middelhoff and his wife were involved in real estate funds, the back rent out the homes of former Karstadt Karstadt. (Source: Spiegel Online )
to claim 2: "That was Middelhoff for the fiscal year 2007/08, when the group 746 Million € was lost, a special bonus collected from more than two million euros - for "its strategic vision and courageous decisions in the years 2005 to 2008", as it was in the grounds of the Supervisory Board. A justification for the administrator Görg "ludicrous" is. That Middleton is "like a lord" was listed, but believes Görg to have found enough evidence "source. Spiegel Online

Because it is so complex sounds: five houses in the later Arcandor renamed Quelle Karstadt Group (main shareholders: Sal Oppenheim and Madeleine Schickedanz , Chairman Thomas Middelhoff to be) to the Oppenheim-Esch-fund selling on favorable terms and leased back to the unfavorable conditions. (See High Street Holding at Wikipedia.) The Oppenheim-Esch-fund is one of the Oppenheim-Esch-Holding GbR, by Joseph Esch , the former Cologne town clerk Lothar Rusch Meier and Christopher Freiherr von Oppenheim is operated. "Esch is an important business partner of Bank Sal Oppenheim and there is responsible for almost half of the draw bank profits. The distribution initiated by the Oppenheim-Esch Esch-Holding Fund shall be to large parts of Sal Oppenheim. "(Source: Wikipedia ) About the Gemsuchele between Middelhoff and Esch see the encyclopedia article online " blind "trust.
now plans to sue Thomas Middelhoff, the administrator Klaus Hubert Görg. (Source: Spiegel Online )

Who and held out here, do a bit Erwin broadcast Pelzig: consider

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Disability Tax Credit And Depression

Mac OS X: The Preview program PDF files together

PDF files with the preview of Mac OS X is not a problem . However, anyone who wants to merge several PDF files into a single document does, mostly to expensive add-on programs. It is not necessary. Use the following trick can be combined with standard tools PDF files.

How it works most quickly: First open in separate preview windows, the two PDF files to be merged. The command "view Journal irrepressible. I have also heard that there is a specific area (I would not want to be precise), less than half a dozen people (in my case three), the publication of a so-called "paper" in a German magazine (and this often means: to be determined in the German Area). These people had to be on good terms. Of course, because the career depends on the number of publications. And not only that the position in the queue, the author is important. So, so many publications with position in the first place, so many publications with attribution in second place, etc. What does this have on the climate in a university department of impact is clear.
In my student days I took part in a training day at 14 clock at a meeting of all the subjects include the doctors (again, I do not want to be more accurate). This took place on a six to seven meters long oak table, sat at the head of the boss. If the fumbled a cigarette out of the coat, threw at least one third of the 25 doctors present to him and held him - clack, clack, clack - their burning lighter to her face, under which he could choose the appropriate one. I was completely taken aback if this sycophantic behavior. Later I could understand this then.
If I'm running around with a doctorate, no one asks how much I've put it crooked. PhD in mathematics and physics are generally difficult to doctoral theses in medicine, when it really puts in and a well-intentioned boss has to have some very light. When I was in the army, I was the timekeeper at the 5000-meter run. A veteran sergeant gasped with his last strength across the finish line: Unfortunately, 25 seconds too slow. When I reported this to the supervising lieutenant, looked me up with eyebrows drawn on, how much? After the third I realized demands and called for a time, just below the required: the veteran "upper field" beaming could be silver sports badge stapled to his chest, and everything was fine. links to
Raphael's stake:

Guttenberg and Zehnder

(Guttenberg has even written off in the introduction)

Guttenberg Road Kill

, Article and discussion
GuttenPlag Wiki with links to
plagiarism detecting (until now 17.2., 20:55 h 48 points) and
discussion From Blog for scientific honesty I thought at first that he was only Founded in the wake of Guttenberg affair No. 3 (or even 4) been, but it seems there since June 2010: Article and discussion
own links: randomized controlled trials - If data is not violated How to Spot a successful medical students

============= After the number of likely detectable plagiarism sites has increased 12 hours later to 76, here are three sites from Guttenberg's vita to:
"After graduating from the Ignaz-Günther-Gymnasium in Rosenheim in 1991 provided Guttenberg from the Mountaineer Battalion 233 in Mittenwald his military service. He holds the rank of staff sergeant in the reserve. He then began in Bayreuth and Munich to study law and political sciences, said he completed his studies in law with the first legal state examination. Due to the lack of a second state exam is not a qualified lawyer to Guttenberg. ... Guttenberg was his own words from 1994 in the management of the family's holding company Guttenberg GmbH in Munich, "integrated", the investment advisory business through 2004 for the possession of his family. He later served as its managing partner. According to the Credit Reform had Guttenberg GmbH "ca three workers "and made in 2000, sales of" 25,000 € appreciated. "
From 1996 to 2002 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of Rhön-Klinikum AG, of which his family held 26.5% of common shares. In March 2002 he sold the shares for 260 million euros [16], HypoVereinsbank, just before the political Career struck "(wikipedia

and another article.

news Spiegel online

============= Since the quality of the comments on the GuttenPlag Wiki has reached BILD newspaper level, and apparently even in the legislation are counted in the guttenPlag plagiarism points me to Mr. Guttenberg is doing now-sorry. Some commentators GuttenPlag joke, Geneva hotels were precautionary measure rip out the bathtub. There should be a picture of the dead Barschel, in which was copied to Guttenberg's head. Click here to listen to really! And the scientific to use the service of the Bundestag, I think - if not clean yet - obvious and legitimate.
A Registrar Guttenberg with a patchwork doctor I prefer stout as a Gabriel, a grumpy Merkel or anyone else Bonner from the squad. I hope that he At length up to that point of maturity. This should take the article in the TIME
as a working basis and not ogle too much American-like to the applause of the media. I told him can only keep our fingers crossed that he in his choice of advisers has a conservative hands.

"We are set against an impostor" in the Tagesschau
Each others would have crashed "(Interview with Ulrich Sollmann) in

Calories Vegetarian Chow Mein

scientific and social advancement

currently valid medical service catalog for private patients:

see also my post from 2007:

Healthy Ageing, then quickly die


Ivan Illich

Advertising text
for "Medical Nemesis" in a small small

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Catchy Title For Paper Towels Science Project

health and income development

Til Schweiger's clear words in Mark Lanz last Tuesday (February 1, 2011) : - agreed Alan with Irma Levine and tells her that she means or:

Boston Legal Breast in Show
(Episode 14, Season 2)
announcement text in Serienjunkies (Source: vox) other sexual fantasy arouses in him. As he admits Irma that she too has a fantasy about Alan: it wants as legal counsel. Fortunately, the case all the way to Alan's taste, it's all about women's breasts exposed, and that is the Irma and 200 of their colleagues, who wanted to draw attention to this action on the disadvantages of the redistribution of constituencies. Now, however, Irma This must in the eyes of Alan, of course, naked women's breasts to find anything illegal, to be prevented ...

ARD-world levels of 21 June 2009:

ZAPP Media magazine (NDR) - The drive against the sex offenders W.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Crushing Birth Control For Hair

Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist

the past, those were different times, so they say lightly, but even earlier there were evil criminals, social ills. Better times were not. Really. The children work in the 19 Century was normal, and evidence of this Charles Dickens' novel "Oliver Twist" . Children were regarded as small adults, of course, could work. It was really bad, we read in the novel, if you had to grow up as an orphan. Oliver's mother dies in childbirth, the father is not tangible. But it is not the social imbalance, which slide into the criminal milieu Oliver Twist leaves. He certainly is not a criminal, but always remains one of the good. A sensitive boy who has the great misfortune to wake up in an unfavorable environment. The educator of the poor farm economy in their own pockets and let the kids eat away starve. The beadle Mr. Bumble, who is responsible for the education of Oliver wants to get rid of him for money to an employer. Children were then completely without rights. The relationship between adults and children was an entirely different than today. Corporal punishment, humiliation (well, yes, there's still the same today, but not the program). Oliver for a great suffering. He puts it

"So lonely and leave, sir, very lonely, "sobbed the boy." No one can stand me. Please do not be too mad at me. "

responsibility of the authorities is to feel nothing. Dickens is definitely one of the first to have criticized the irresponsibility, the inhumanity. The austere Mr. Bumble, the boy is under psychological pressure, so he goes along with this weird chimney sweep who has some children have to answer for, children who suffocated in the chimney. Oliver manages to not to go into the claws of the black man. But when he flees, his horrific past Leaving behind him, he falls into a villain in London the hands of the Jewish criminal Fagin, should send the young men who steal for him. The novel divides people into good and evil. This is a little trivial. The good people helping Oliver, the poor want to hurt him bad. It's that simple Fagin The Jew is so bad that he has managed to land on a wikipedia page. Dickens deliberately plays with Jewish cliches, yes, his time was not unusual (see, Gustav Freytag, Debit and Credit). Fagin

is "... a very old, shriveled Jew, his villainous face with the revolting features of the world of red curly hair shaded."

(Joseph Roth sat in his novel Tarabas the now familiar type of the little red-haired Russian Jews a monument).

is glorious as Gustav Meyrink has set the dialect language of the Jew into German. I can think now, not hide, serve up a charming criminal jargon

"Outside, Bill Sikes, and you lie there and snore as if you had eaten laudanum Well, what is are you already up, should,.? I throw you still nen iron candlestick to the skull? "

If only I read, like Oliver Twist stumbles into awkward situation, and other people inevitably have to think that he is still a bad boy, although he is not, and if I read how much evil immoral people Oliver is met, it haunts my mind, how bad must the 19 century but have been. People must then have been geistesvergiftet abysmal, whatever you imagine it too. Evil rages around and wants to poison the good guys. So it seems.

".. the old wily Jew was sent Oliver caught in his net after he first brought the extent of loneliness, that he preferred to any company the sad thoughts in the desolate abandoned home So hoping Fagin, his heart slowly instill the poison, which, as he believed, his soul perish with time. "

It would therefore may be also due to its difficult past that Oliver gets going a criminal career. But this is not the case. Surprisingly, he remains as he is. Namely, well, I mean, there are others who end up because of such serious life experience somewhere else, right? Ok, a little luck, but Oliver just take and people to help him.

Fast slides the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist in the second half. He appears less and less, but others are brought to the fore. I have not fallen because the protagonist is permeable. In the first novel I could sympathize with the fate of half of the little hero, later then he was out of my above reasons so much care. I sometimes even feel that the novel device in the middle into a standstill. It appears, however, still a great character, the prostitute Nancy, who ekes out her life in the criminal Dunst where I could really sympathize with how big her heart is really the opposite, not only Oliver. I am careful not to take this opportunity to reveal novel content, but for me, Nancy is a key reason why I give this novel to its weaknesses but read my blessing. "Oliver Twist" is an entertaining action novel that thrives on action. Today we commemorate the 199th Birthday of Charles Dickens.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ap Biology Lab Population Genetics

message as a commodity and dealing with sex offenders

after irreconcilable differences with the Theosophical Society

German Section of the Theosophical Society founded on 28 December 1912 the Anthroposophical Society . The founding congress was held on 2 and 3 February in Berlin, this date will be maintained since the official founding. The background has Annie Besant , Helena Blavatsky , to do
Charles W. Leadbeater , Jiddu Krishnamurti and his brother Nitya and the Order of the Star of the East .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pennsylvania Coyote Hunting Tips

Today 98 years ago - Founding Congress of the anthroposophical society

On 1 February 1968 killed Nguyễn Ngọc Loan , South Vietnamese general and during the Vietnam War described on Wikipedia, the backgrounds are quite interesting. The photographer Eddie Adams
who received his in year 1968
Press Photo of the Year selected picture, even the
Pulitzer Prize regretted later, namely, preparing the publication Nguyễn Ngọc Loan great difficulties have to.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Broken Blood Vessels On Testicles

Today 43 years ago: A picture is about the world

In search of a beautiful body text font for letters, I came across the following best-of list: There
5 tips for better letters

Monday, January 31, 2011

Can You Wear Ugg Moccasins With Shorts In Summer

The 100 best fonts of all time

The 61-year-old doctor Mechthild Bach has killed himself. She was accused of manslaughter in 13 cases, and recently told the presiding judge Wolfgang rose bush that in two of the deaths also get a conviction for murder in question. This threatened brook a life sentence re-trial detention. The revision process but the Federal Court would have taken five to six years time. The first instance process was dated to 2012. since 2008 were 73 days of the trial (23 in the first and 50 in the second trial) behind fellow Bach. Already in the first trial - at that time because eight times manslaughter - had the borders on bigotry comments surprised by a consultant, in several of the liver and brain metastases still believed to see a chance of recovery. Due to illness of the judge, the process was aborted because there was no substitute. In the second trial, the number of possible homicide cases increased by five to thirteen. Of course, they had already received their long Aprobation withdrawn.
Dealing with dying people - and their families - is one of the most difficult and most stressful medical tasks. Just today, I heard of a case in which a prostate biopsy was performed because of a high PSA value and a cancer of the prostate led attack. Immediate surgery with probable nerve lesion (erectile failure, incontinence) was advised that no one involved with the case of specialist doctors (urologist, surgeon, oncologist) to any statement about the Forecast relented. addressed by the radiologists on a CT heard the man, this is not possible, as would be represented now by the prostate biopsy as inflamed and then afterwards there is no possibility of comparison would be safe. A bone scan to determine a possible metastasis of the spine is not yet scheduled for a month. One must always hear both sides. That's how I felt when reading the newspaper reports did not happen. Seven years has been investigating the doctor, stopped the first trial, and finally a charge of murder was in the room. Those who pretend to here, the letter of the law applicable to a tough Sun area with the deal, hardly anyone wants, and in which the right-hand corner of our normal everyday are bent. It really is the easiest one looks away. The study of the neurotic proportions of jungle camp participants is there truly satisfying. And those who take care of prematurely disappearing life and next to the patient and his desperate family members also must comply with the documentation and the budget - and in the case of Ms. Bach also profile seeking expert (on the prosecutor I will not speculate now) -, remain the best in the unobserved gray area and fiddle for so long before him, until a clerk noticed the high morphine doses. Maybe comes once a time when people do not get held up a monument that come with the self-mixing to death, but also people who just make their work and move it between all chairs must.
A few comments in the

Medical Journal

See also the article on the management of healthcare costs on

TIME Online
(and the comments)

Broken Capalarries Baby

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The Windows 7 Blog has synchronization software SimpleSYN presented and giving away three additional business licenses, each worth € 49.00 (including 19% tax)

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Roller Blades Feet Pain

How much a man endure? before

The circumstances were quite contrary. The appointed grand piano was not there. The 29 year old American had slept badly the night before, just hurriedly eaten and had to play on a mediocre replacement wings. Only at the express request of the organizer, he agreed, but to play. The engineer agreed to to dump the sold out concert at the Cologne Opera Hall for internal purposes yet. The American pianist adapted itself to the qualities of the available wing and was limited to middle and low notes. The first part begins with the melody of the Cologne Opera Gongs break - in the audience laugh is heard.
The result was the best selling jazz solo album and best-selling piano solo record. The double album with 66 minutes of playing time was the Award of the German Phono Academy and by the
Time Magazine as one of the "Records of the Year". The sales figures are about 3 1 / 2 million sold CDs and records.

Names Of The Parts Inside Of A Car

Nikolai Leskov: At World's End

At the end of the world, to Siberia, where it is full of shamans and Buddhists, there in the corner of the otherwise pagan Russian Orthodox, the Christian must be executed light wear. Dark souls must be evident. Proselytizing, cost what it may, finally, that all Weden souls saved. Just recently, on 25 11 meldetet the international Catholic Preseagentur: 'mission remains the central task of the Church " (Benedict XVI) and then to point out there would still peoples who had not yet received the Christian message (cf. here ). Since the cath. Church to the mission of the Bible follows - "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned". (Mark 16,15.16) - the church be satisfied until she has brought all the souls from damnation Nikolai Leskov, the his position in the Ministry of Culture because of criticism of Church and State got criticized in his story "At World's End" the indomitable missionary zeal of the Orthodox Church.

A young clergyman, who was appointed bishop of a remote Siberian diocese, complains is about the plight of the missionary work. Much of the conversions only on paper. Many of the baptized, who belonged to the Tibetan Buddhism and shamanism; went back to their religion. It developed a "grotesque mishmash"

Posted by Leskov

They prayed to Christ and the Apostles, the Buddha and his bodhisattvas, and demons, and the shaman Filzbeuteln fetishes with.

It is a way that Buddhists do not pray (but meditate), but in the history of religion mixing religion are well known. In late antiquity, many devout Christians mistook her Christ with the Roman sun god Jupiter. The newly appointed bishop

in our story continues in a convent school for Foreign-based ethnic and meets at the Father Kiriak that dominates as a single monk there, the Yakut language, one of the north-eastern (Siberian) Turkic languages, spoken in the village. This monk refuses to misionieren the non-Russians.

Posted by Leskov
One day he has had any experience, so he has returned from the wilderness, brought Myrrenbehälter and ciborium to the altar and said: "I off point and take them not again until the hour has come.

No one knew what prompted him to do, no one knew what time he meant.

is remarkable, His Eminence the Bishop is, in this narrative, one who has to learn, or say otherwise, is not fog of wisdom. Father Kiriak tried to make clear to the bishop, the baptism would not improve if the baptized are not filled with the Spirit of Christ. Based on a saint's legend, he teaches that missionary zeal can bring strife, the language of the Yakut is not capable of expressing complicated theological matters, the juxtaposition of believers and unbelievers sickly anyway, because God, Kiriak, all have created. It's amazing how the bishop becomes an adept, of course, His Eminence stands for the whole Church. Picking all unbelievers from the outset doomed to failure. It must then eventually even recognized by the bishop, who is rescued from a pagan savages from a snow storm and experiences an inner transformation.

basis of the bishop of the Orthodox Church in Russia is presented fairly weak, so, quite helpless and lost. The most beautiful figure of the story remains my Father as Kiriak, who, as the embodiment of wisdom charisma of a saint. Perhaps a vapor of my imagination or it is true that this Father was a myth Leskov, as he the representatives of the Orthodox Church dreamed. How amazing it is the difference between acting from the heart Kiriak and torn by theological dogmas bishop. The message of Leskov's story is unique. The non-Russians, the so-called "savages," have a great culture, there cleric with the heart ("Love your neighbor as yourself") look like. With respect.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best Makers Mark Whisky

Last night 35 years ago today

On 24 January 1986 presented the first Apple Macintosh
, the Macintosh 128, the public.
is Like the previous Lisa personal computer (PC), as all previous systems were served to the market via keyboard input in a command line .
Here the now legendary spot from Apple: in Forrest Gump:

is on reports of the Arab news channel Al Jazeera
" which is in the Report reflects. May all Israel?

Putting A Floor Into An Aluminum Boat

Israel and Palestine - from victims to perpetrators

Robert Fripp did in 1967, after the League of Gentlemen and the Majestic Dance Orchestra played with brothers Michael and Peter Giles of Trendsetters Ltd.. together. The trio took in 1968 on the single One in a Million, and the LP The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles and Fripp. That same year, met the poet Peter Sinfield
Fairport Convention singer Judy Dyble. In this Occupation were recorded demos of I Talk To The Wind and the title Under the Sky. Peter Giles and Dyble left the band immediately afterwards. The remaining three musicians recruited the singer and bassist Greg Lake (later Emerson, Lake & Palmer ), and founded on 13 January 1969 officially King Crimson . On

I wanted to appear 21st Century Schizoid Man , Epitaph, it must do.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Do Women Love Men In Kilts

William Trevor: Felicia's journey

In a village in Ireland is Felicia's pregnant in her first night of love, the man, Johnny Lysaght, but disappears in England. He is said to work in a lawn mower factory. The pregnant Felicia travels to England to Johnny track down, but this trip does not lead to objective, a journey through the bars and homeless milieu is from industrial plants and also a sacred mission sect touched by Felicia 'journey. Rather than take on Johnny, Felicia makes the acquaintance of the canteen owner Mr. Hilditch, who is gaining more influence on Felicia's' finding, it is possible tie to deeper ties with Felicia. With Mr. Hilditch enters the evil of the novel, first on light feet barely perceptible, and then, this is the sophistication of the novel, it is becoming increasingly perilous for Felicia, although the reader still does not know what intends these mid-forties with a young woman . He sneaks into her life , and the reader wonders at some point, hopefully nothing bad happened Felicia. Trevor succeeds in an outstanding manner to leave the reader guessing. It made allusions, the reader is lured on false trails. You fear to the end, after all, Mr. Hilditch has been with several women a bad game driven.

This type of the uncanny in literature is a bit like some novels by Amélie Nothomb ("Beauty of evil," "The Professor"), and I favor, but more for Trevor's novel. Amélie Nothomb has good, even exciting, but I have a feeling, a unique reading ranges. In William Trevor's different. Here is one that works really well crafted. Felicia's journey from when he says he throws a flashback and we learn of her history from her father, who is complaining about Johnny Lysaght, because of this, he believes he knows, secretly went to the British army, etc. It is typical Trevor, that he deals with the novels in the military conflict between Ireland and the British. Which Irish father would have been as a British soldier to son. I like good background descriptions. In this book, my descriptions of the world's homeless have very much.

Posted by William Trevor
decline in their hiding people from the street into a sleep that is induced by alcohol and are startled by despair, into dreams that bring back the life that was once theirs. The signs still begging beside him and the cigarette butts from the sidewalk at hand are they there enough in the bottle in order to facilitate the moment of awakening. is hungry and homeless their appeal on a piece of cardboard scrawled carelessly, one has copied from the other: only the money counts.

One may think of Elke Heidenreich's former TV show "Get", what you like, but it was William Trevor's short stories "Death of the professor" were discussed. So I came across this author and do not regret it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recuring Deposit Calculator

Today 41 years ago - the first concert by King Crimson

The British prog-rock band

come again to Germany. are here with the original members Steve Howe (guitar), Chris Squire (bass) and Alan White (drums). They are accompanied by Oliver Wakeman (son of Rick Wakeman) on keyboards and vocalist Benoit David, a perfect replacement for Jon Anderson, who has to pause for health reasons. Stuttgart 30.11.11 Oberhausen 1:12:11 3:12:11 4:12:11 Munich Bielefeld
more at


For gourmets: Rick Wakeman with the same piece of solo piano

again and Rick Wakeman:

here and Steve Howe with a twist:

and one more thing from the very old times:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monica Roccaforte 2010 Movies

Yes in Germany

43 years ago today, the apartment was occupied by the writer Uwe Johnson

in the Berlin district of 14 in Niedstraße Friedenau. Johnson stayed for a year in New York. The beginning of the year based
) and her then nine-year-old daughter Tanaquil, Ulrich Enzensberger (brother of Hans Magnus Enzensberger), Volker Gebbert, Hans-Joachim Hameister,
Dieter Kunzelmann , Detlef Michel (until 25 March 1967), Dorothea Ridder ("the iron Dorothy"), Dagmar Seehafer and Fritz Teufel . Rainer Langhans (which we will soon see in the RTL jungle camp) came only in March 1967 to do so.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fisher Price Rainforest Clipart

Today 43 years ago - Commune I

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Wear Belted Plaid

Have you ever tried a talk therapy?

The term "Black Peter", which is often used when it comes to blaming someone to blame for a mistake, reminiscent of the robber Peter Petri, the 18th and 19 Century Hunsrück and Odenwald mischief. This little known fact of science author Ernst Probst from Mainz-Wiesbaden district food home, in his pocketbook "Black Peter" (3-936326-39-8) out. The 1752 in castles in the Moselle area Veldenz born, black-haired loggers, charcoal burners and robbers was a teacher and accomplice of the 25 years his junior Schinderhannes (1777-1803), considered Germany's most famous robbers. Peter Petri came off the rails after French soldiers had set fire to his hut in 1792 the colony Hüttgeswasen lumberjack at Allen in the Hunsrück. Peter Petri in 1812 was sentenced then to France belonging to Mainz for his crimes to life imprisonment, which he should settle in Bicetre near Paris. He invented the card game behind bars "Black Peter", before going to a now-unknown date in delusional drunkard died. Both the name of the card game and the term "Black Peter", according to Ernst Probst go back to the dreaded predator's lifetime.
The journalist and science author Ernst Probst has created in 2001 the publishing house Ernst Probst, who has specialized in books on biographies, history, nature, science and aphorisms. And John R. Probst are the books "Schinderhannes Chronicle" and "Schinderhannes gazetteer" the Mainz historian Dr. Peter Bayerlein appeared.


see also "The Mosel gang" at

Naves Historia

Helicobactor Pylori Shortness

Where does the term "Black Peter" is

1 The French period

After the cannonade of Valmy penetrated yet in 1792 troops of the French revolutionary army into the Rhineland in Custine one. The Middle room, Glantal and Mr. Steiner were Kriegsschauplätze space. occupied in the autumn of 1794 the French revolutionary troops be final, the left bank of the Reich and expelled the former rulers. For the supply of French soldiers have been recovered intolerable contributions. In this time of aufgelös-th order on top of that exaggerated Räuberbanden (Schinderhannes) making trouble. From 1797 featured the French authorities slowly restored order and gave the land that belonged to France now, a new administration. Even the Peace of Campo Formio of 17/10/1797 of Austria had agreed to France's claim on the left bank of the Rhine to Support. In the Peace of Luneville of 09/02/1801 was the völkerrechtlich mandatory assignment of all the country through the left bank of the kingdom of France. By a law of 3/9/1801 these areas have been declared to be an integral part of the French Republic. On 09/23/1802 The French constitution came into force. The division of the territory was in Arrondissement


Mairie . The local area came to the "Department de la Sarre" with the main town of Trier. This Department was divided into 4 arrondissements:
Trier Prum Saarbrücken
Birkenfeld. The district comprises 9 Birkenfeld Cantone: Meisenheim, Grumbach, Kusel, Baumholder, Birkenfeld, Wadern, Hermeskeil Rhaunen, and Mr. Stein. When the Prussian Field Marshal Blucher and his army of about Kaub Kreuznach glanaufwärts vorrückend, 7 January 1814 St. Wendel was reached, too, for the Birkenfeld country, "French period" is over.
was immediately set up a General Middle Rhine. But in the summer of 1814, the area was south of the Moselle zurückeroberte temporarily a "Bavarian-Austrian Land Administration Commission in Kreuznach, later in Worms, assumed. A year later came the part of the "Departement de la Sarre" north of a line Medard / Hermeskeil Oberstein district of Prussia, which received the largest part of the Rhineland. In 1816 he and the southern part of the department has been (to the border of the Bavarian Palatinate) awarded.
2 Vienna Convention

But Prussia had - according to Article 49 of the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna 09.06.1815 - Five German princes, together with areas of 69 000 "souls" resign. A distribution of an underdeveloped region in economic power between Hunsruck and the Palatinate should be made. The distribution related to the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, of Oldenburg, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg and the Count of Pappenheim. Mecklenburg and Pappenheim could be of Prussia to terms with money and domains. The other three were on their claim. Of the 69 000 25 000 should the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, 20 000 the Grand Duke of Oldenburg and 9000 the Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg be awarded.

A significant contemporary, Count of Armansperg, wrote in a Letter of 19.4.1815 from Vienna: .. Germany's freedom consists in the soul of trade, the left bank of the Rhine is the main market These poor people take me. " Saxe-Coburg and Oldenburg were hoping to have them, as provided in Article 50 of the Final Act, areas allocated for the connection to your own country. Saxe-Coburg was thinking of the county "Henneberg", Oldenburg, East Frisia. But the resistance were however not to overcome. Saxe-Coburg was now the land between Upper Nahe and Glan. On 09.11.1816 took Duke Ernst of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld possession of the "Principality of Lichtenberg. Capital and seat of government was St. Wendel. sold Duke Ernst of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld by Patent dated 08/15/1834, the Principality of Lichtenberg for 1.2 million dollars to Prussia. The east of the Saxony-Coburg area adjacent Oberamt Meisenheim was Hesse-Homburg manner and came to the Kingdom of Prussia in 1866.

4 Development of the Principality of Birkenfeld
The Principality was composed of areas which before the French occupation of margraviate Baden (Rear county Sponheim), the wild and Rhine County, the Duchy of Pfalz-Zweibrücken, domination Oberstein Others had heard. It included 503 km 2

with 25 080 inhabitants in 1832. For the management it was in three lonely (Nohfelden, Birkenfeld, Oberstein) divided by total of 9 Bürgermeistereien. Most people lived on agriculture. But there was adventure in the Stumm'sche Eisenhütte (to 1875) and in the Idar Oberstein, and the agate industry. This came Based on the sheep farming and the cultivation of flax, wool and linen weavers. The main export items were livestock, wood and agate products. The economic situation of the population until well into the second half of the 19th Century printed right. Not even the Customs Treaty with Prussia (1830), others not much. The Duke ruled his country, nor on the principle of absolutism stowed: "All for the people, not by the people." Oldenburg in the German Confederation was long one of the few countries without landesständische Constitution and without separation of powers. These people had in the Rhineland, which used by the French years of free institutions were hit particularly hard. But the paternal CARE MYTH of Prince went so far that he renounced such as persons income from the poor Birkenfeld, which until 1861 maintained substantially alleviated and the french tax system "droits reunis (indirect taxes) for the time being even abolished. Significantly for the princes it was that was not drained of its territory freedom of the press, not even after the sharp censorship 1819th So it was understandable that when it 1832 in Coburg Principality of Lichtenberg to rebellion came in Birkenfeld room remained quiet. The next
Furst, Paul Friedrich August (1829 - 1853) called himself Grand Duke Sponheim and took the sign (red-silver geschacht) into his arms and emphasized by the unity of his three-divided country (Oldenburg, Eutin, Birkenfeld) and outside. The Furst ruled without a constitution as his father and sent Hannibal to Birkenfeld L. Fischer (1831 - 1848) as Regierungspräsident, who took the same position as his autocratic master. With the drafting of some anti-liberal writings (of the German people need and application; The Patrimonialstaat) he caused at the democratically minded people of his time violent offense. In Birkenfeld he went through his high-handed, harsh nature of all residents in ove unpopular. He contributed in those Notjahren the Menschenmögliche. A register was set up the basis for a more equitable distribution of property tax. Poorly-used communal land (common land) went over into the possession of the farmers who cultivated thoroughly. The Wiesenbau (loading and dehydration) was his hobby. He Kummert also to the improvement of livestock breeds. In 1833, he put on at his own expense the "Fisherman" at Niederbrombach to test improved methods of agriculture. He called for the planting of conifers. He pushed for the road, he built many Schulhäuser and gründete Ersparungskasse 1842, the current District Savings Bank.
Regierungspräsident Fischer had in the Revolution of 1848 Märzunruhen Birkenfeld flee. This year it was storm in cat music, and popular assemblies Bürgerwehren very excited. A large part of the castle, hauptsächlich Obersteiner demanded connection to Prussia, in spite of its higher taxes and more stringent his regiment. Another part of the population, mostly Birkenfelder wanted to stay in Oldenburg, but stressed that it was really only a personal union with the "mother country" connected. Also can the parliament that was elected in 1848 throughout the Grand Duchy to determine because of the Überzahl of members from the other two parts of the country not about Birkenfelder special interests. Four provincial assemblies in Oldenburg for their stance for the large German question aufgelöst by the government. In the reactionary parliament of 1852 was then no longer spoken by the Loslösung or special position Birkenfeld. The contribution of the Principality of Birkenfeld was charged to the common fixed at 7%. In the remaining cash separation was decided, which meant for the poorest of the three Birkenfeld as parts of the country a drückende load. The dream of the Selbstständigkeit Birkenfeld Oldenburg within the State Association was ausgeträumt. died in 1853 Grand Duke Paul Friedrich August. He was succeeded by his son, Nikolaus Friedrich Peter (1853-1900). Acceptance shall the same time by Councilor Finch (1853-1881) for the vacant post of Regierungspräsidenten since 1848. The issue of joining the Kingdom of Prussia, which the Birkenfeld Ländchen around since 1866 has been enclosed, from different starting rolled over again, eg 1866, 1917 and 1918, but the Beharrungsvermögen was strong. 1881 President of the Finch by Regierungspräsidenten Barnstedt abgelöst (1881-1901), who sharply attacked by the administration. After the accession of Grand Duke Friedrich August (1900-1918) was again a change in the presidency. Ahlhorn President (1901-1909) developed several bills that were used for obtaining of a larger Selbstständigkeit of the Principality and the Oldenburg Parliament adopted. His successor, Minister of State for excellence D. Willich (1909-1917) also entered for an extension of self-government. A year before the collapse of the German Empire died president Willich. Senior Government Pralle (1917-1919) followed him as a government board. Beginning of 1918 proposed the removal of the Grand Duke of the Principality of Prussia in exchange of territory. Before the negotiations ended consider writing, broke out the November revolution in Germany.
Grand Duke Friedrich August abandoned on 10 November 1918 the throne, the Principality of Birkenfeld was left as the province of a country part of the Free State of Oldenburg. came in August 1919 to a revolution, Birkenfeld tables Country 'and to form the Republic of Birkenfeld. This was eliminated by the result of an election by itself grouted "Birkenfeld Parliament after two months. In November 1919 the Parliament neugewählte übertrug later performed with the approval of the "International High Commission," the lawyer Walter Doerr Idar from the presidency of the province (1919-1937). 5 Rückkehr

to Prussia by the "Greater Hamburg Law" went from 01.26.1937 with effect from 1 April 1937 the "State of Birkenfeld" after 120 years of affiliation to the remote Oldenburg to the State of Prussia about enclosing it completely. He was awarded the "radical circle St. Wendel-Baumholder "to the new Prussian district of Birkenfeld in the administrative district of Koblenz joined the Rhine Province. The district administration office was Birkenfeld.

excerpt from the revised version of the presentation by Juergen Schmidt on the day of the open door on 06.10.2001 at surveying and land registry Birkenfeld

more at Wapedia

website the city Birkenfeld
wikipedia and
See also "Annual Reports of German History 'at googlebooks